Land For Life

Changing the world for the better

About Us

Our Story

Land For Life Limited is a family owned and operated business established in 2022 following the covid epidemic. During covid almost everyone noticed that nature started to thrive, this was the catalyst for starting Land for Life.

In today’s world the requirements for cheap food have left farmers with no alternative but to use intensive farming techniques on their land. This farming has destroyed much of nature’s habitat and biodiversity. Land For Life want to replace baron fields with traditional orchards, hedgerows and other planting which will help improve both the land, biodiversity and of course nature.

In 2023, we started our first project in Kent and the results have far exceeded our expectations. We took a baron, over farmed piece of land with no visible signs of insect life or birds and within 12 months we have transformed this into a parcel of land that is already teaming with life. All of this has been accomplished without the use of any pesticides or fertilizer. We have only used traditional (some might say archaic) farming methods. We installed our own bore hole and extract our own mineral rich water from beneath our land.

We introduced partners to our project, and this has led to over 100 people learning about planting, nature and much more. Whilst this is only a small step it has been so rewarding to see both adults and children interacting with nature and the land.

In 2024 we want to start two new projects and are actively looking for land that is suitable and in need of some love and attention.

What a difference 12 months can make…

Overworked Land

This was our first project in Kent and as you can see from the photograph above the land was in very poor condition with absolutely no habitat or any wildlife.

Over the first three months in our stewardship we regularly mowed the fields mulching the nutrients back into the ground. The difference in the quality of the land between our starting point and planting our first trees is clear to see.

Preparation for Planting

Once the condition of the land had improved we started digging our holes ready for the planting of our fruit trees and hedges.

Even at this stage nature knew that changes were happening. Birds started to come to the land looking for food in and around the newly dug holes.

Our new Orchards

Six months after purchasing the land we had our first orchards planted. Almost overnight land seemed to come alive with insects and birds.

Unfortunately there were some unwelcome visitors in the form of rabbits and deer however nature has an answer for everything and we quickly discovered that planting lavender and mint deterred these lovely but unwelcome visitors.

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